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时间:[2016-01-18]  来源:



李静和 ,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,bdy必定赢国际地学院勘查技术与工程教研室。当前主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、国家博士后科学基金项目1项、广西自然科学基金项目2项;先后参与的科研项目5项,其中国家“十二五”规划重大科技专项2项,国家自然科学基金项目3项。受聘为bdy必定赢国际 A类“屏风学者”,入选广西中青年千名骨干教师培育计划。受邀作为国际权威会议分会主席5次、国际权威会议技术委员会成员2次,邀请报告3次。出版专著3部、授权专利3项。先后在SCI、EI或核心期刊收录《IEEE Journal of SelectedTopics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing》、《Near Surfer Geophysics》、《Pure and Applied Geophysics》 、 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》 、 《Applied Geophysics》 、《Journal of Computational Acoustic》、《石油地球物理勘探》 、 《地球物理学报》 、 《地质与勘探》等刊物上发表文章30余篇,其中第一作者25篇。


2015年-至今 bdy必定赢国际,副教授

2015年 毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)地球物理学专业,获博士学位;

2013-2015年 美国杜克大学(Duke University)联合培养博士学习;

2012年 毕业于bdy必定赢国际地球探测与信息技术专业,获硕士学位;

2009年 毕业于bdy必定赢国际勘查技术与工程(物探)专业,获学士学位。








Li J H, Ran M K, Feng N X. Processing Step-based Adaptive Seismic Denoising Method of Transformation Domain Hybrid Technique with Higher-order Correlation Dtatistic and Complex Block Threshold, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2021.

Li J H, Ran M K, He Z X, et al. Efficient algorithms of combining wavelet and curvelet in seismic denoising, 2021.

李静和,代金芝,吴相伶. 瞬变电磁数据交叉型组合域去噪技术研究与应用. 地球物理学进展, 2021.

李静和,何展翔,杨俊,等. 新型接触式激发极化效应及其应用研究,  石油地球物理勘探,2021.

Li J H, Wu X L, Peng R H. Calculation of effects of 3D MCSEM for TI model with conductivity principal axis anisotropy using finite difference method. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2020, 63: 421-434.

Li J H, Feng N X, Ren Y. Efficient Intelligent Denoising Method of Transformation Domain Hybrid Technique for Geophysical Data. ICEEM, 2020, 178-179.

李静和, 孟淑君. 混凝土构件质量缺陷声波探测快速成像技术. 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2020, 录用待刊(网络首发)

Li J H, He Z X, Yang J, et al. Scale and rotation statistic-based self-adaptive function for ground penetrating radar denoising in curvelet domain. Acta Phys. Sin., 2019a, 68(9): 090501.

Li J H, He Z X, Yang J, et al. Domain decomposition based integral equation modeling of 3D topography in frequency domain for well electromagnetic. Acta Phys. Sin., 2019b, 68(14): 1407202.  

Li J H, He Z X, Feng N X. Induced Polarization Effects of 3D Frequency Domain MCSEM Responses using finite volume method. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2019c, 61: 491-507.

Li J H, He Z X, Feng N X. Preconditioned Inversion of 3D Borehole to Surface Electromagnetic for Reservoir. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2019d, 176(12): 5349-5362.

Li J H, He Z X, Qing Huo Liu. Higher-order statistics correlation stacking for DC electrical data in the wavelet domain. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2013, 99: 51-59.

Li J H, Qing Huo Liu. Fast Frequency-Domain Forward and Inverse Methods for Acoustic Scattering from Inhomogeneous Objects in Layered Media. Journal of Computational Acoustic, 2016a, 24(3): 165008-165017.

Li J H, Song L P, Qing Huo Liu.. Multiple frequency contrast source inversion method for vertical electromagnetic profiling: 2D simulation results and analyses. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2016b, 173:607-621.

Li J H, Qi R, Zhang Y J, Xiong B. Higher-order correlative stacking for seismic data denoising based on the multiple-domain combination. Near Surface Geophysics, 2017a, 15: 260-273.

Li J H, Zhang Y J, Qi R, Qing Huo Liu. Wavelet-Based Higher Order Correlative Stacking for Seismic Data Denoising in the Curvelet Domain. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2017b, 10(8): 3810-3820.

Li J H, He Z X, Xu Y X. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of surface-to-borehole electromagnetic field for monitoring reservoir. Applied Geophyscis, 2017c, 14(4): 559-569.

李静和, 何展翔, 熊彬. 复杂介质频率域地面可控源电磁法2.5维快速成像. bdy必定赢国际学报, 2018b, 38(3), 429-436.

李静和, 何展翔, 熊彬. 起伏地形频率域可控源电磁二维快速正反演. 地质与勘探, 2018c, 54(2), 325-331.

Li J H, He Z X. 3D electrical response characteristics modeling for surface-to-borehole vertical electromagnetic walkaway profile. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2012, 47(4),653-664.

Li J H, He Z X. Three-dimensional cross-well electromagnetic inversion using the least-square method. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2014, 49(3), 586-595.

李静和, 骆东德, 李广聪等. 积分方程法复杂介质可控源电磁勘探快速正反演研究现状及发展方向. CT 理论与应用研究, 2017, 26(5): 649-659.

李静和, 杨俊, 孟淑君. 桂地区页岩油气地球物理勘探现状及展望. CT 理论与应用研究, 2018a, 27(1): 123-136.

Lan T, Liu H, Liu N, Li J H, et al. Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Based on Structural Constraints Using Variational Born Iteration Method. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(1): 436-445.

杨俊,李静和,孟淑君等.小波与曲波变换探地雷达数据去噪对比分析. 地球物理学进展, 2019,34( 5) : 2097-2105.

Meng S J, Li J H. Fast imaging for concrete quality detecting by GPR and ultrasonic. SEG 2019 Workshop: Geophysics for Smart City Development, Beijing, China, 29-31 July 2019: 6-6.

Li J H, Jia Y, Liu Q H, He Z X. A fast solver for vertical electromagnetic profiles of surface to borehole electromagnetic method (SBEM). SEG Expanded Abstract, 2014, 628-632.

Li J H, Gan L, Qin H. Acoustic velocity tomography for damage detection in concrete. 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC). IEEE, 2017: 146-149.

Yang J, Li J H, Meng S J, et al. Hybrid Filter for Ground Penetrating Radar Data Using Wavelet and Curvelet Transform. 2018 ICEEG, 477-780.

Meng S J, Li J H, Yang J, et al. Two-dimensional Tomographic Results for Concrete Quality Detecting by Radar. 2018 ICEEG, 497-500.

Li J H, Xiong B, Xu Z, et al. A 3D finite volume method solver for scattering from lossy objects in layered media. 7th International Conference on Environment and Engineering Geophysics, 2016, 330-332.

李静和, 何展翔. 三维井间电磁最小二乘法反演. 石油地球物理勘探, 2014, 49(3): 586-595.

李静和. 用于油气藏勘探的井筒电磁法反演算法研究. 中国地质大学, 2015.

李静和, 吕玉增, 李星. 三维多极距中梯测深的模拟研究. 地质与勘探, 2012, 48(6): 1199-1205.

李静和, 何展翔. 地井垂直电磁 Walkaway 剖面法油藏开发三维模型电场响应特征. 石油地球物理勘探, 2012, 47(4): 653-664.

李静和, 何展翔, 徐义贤, 等. 迭代型 Wavelet 与 Curvelet 组合域地震记录滤波算法研究. 中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集, 2016, 933.

孟淑君, 杨俊, 李静和, 等. 基桩及地连墙质量缺陷地球物理探测现状及展望. 工程地球物理学报, 2018, 15(3): 321-329.

李静和, 何展翔, 吕玉增, 等. 井筒电磁勘探技术及其数值模拟现状. 工程地球物理学报, 2011, 8(3): 303-309.

Ren, Y., Zhao, S. W., Zhang, H. S., Huang, W., Liu, Y. H., Xu, K. D., & Li, J. H. (2017). Accurate simulation of thin dielectric sheet by higher order surface integral equation. Electromagnetics, 37(6), 369-376.




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